Midseason Power Ranking Review: eDensity in a World of Chorby Short

Those extra stars that come from the Attractor mod? They’re the fear factor built into the sim’s data.

That’s the theory you’ll find in the sixth episode of BNN’s Midseason Power Ranking Review. Host Luckey Haskins, welcomes guests Jade, Evie, and Erin to discuss the pertinent topics of Season 18 (and thanks to Joey T Badger for producing this episode!).

We start with the ridiculous season the Pies are having to this point. It seems that the BNN contributors had properly estimated the power emanating from Philly this season, as they threaten historical Win records. But BNN had a little more trouble estimating the Mechanics & Lovers, two teams that were ranked in the middle but rocketed in very opposite directions this season.

On the Low side of the Mild league, we’ve got a few weighty questions about eDensity, that statistic draws the attention of Consumers. The Mild Low teams are in a giant cluster, fighting for Playoff Births, and half the division started sporting red dots early in the Midseason? What gives, and how will this affect the back half of the season?

Not to be out done, the Wild Low gets its turn in the panel’s spotlight, and oh do they have thoughts. The absolute cluster of teams, their dominance of Wild High teams that aren’t chthonic felines, and the biggest topic of the day: Chorby Short. Hubris comes early as Evie gives her theories on the extra stars in Chorby’s profile — they represent the fear her opponents experience.

The panel touches on what the future holds for rebuilding teams like Canada, Seattle, Chicago (and almost all the Wild High) before we jump into the weekly hubris segment, where all involved pitch their prognostications for the Internet Series finals. The panel turns out to have a lot of estimation for the final two teams left standing, so grab a Shadow Fax and put the video below into your brain’s receptacle!

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