Midseason Power Ranking Review: A Day Late and a Cannon Short

It’s fitting: in a season that has been delayed by not one, but TWO Spillover events, the MPRR is also delayed (hooray, vaccination!).
In the fourth episode of BNN’s Midseason Power Ranking Review, we join anchor Dan and host Luckey Haskins, alongside guests and Power Ranking contributors and team reporters: Jade (Lovers) and Panda (Sunbeams | ThePanda1016#7314 on Discord)!
The Chicago Firefighters are this season’s owners of the “Where is BNN?” mantle, so the group talks about the team’s offseason moves, hot start, and playoff hopes for Season 16. Discussion also weaves in the Firefighters (and Wild High) in relation to the Wild Low, which has three hot teams gunning for the Playoffs: the stalwart Tacos, the newcomer Worms, and the Spies, who just got off their Middling ride up the standings.
As the panel shifts over to the Mild League, the Power Rankings have been spot-on with the dominance of the Dallas Steaks. Meanwhile, the Mild Low is a fascinating jumble of teams vying for the top spot and the remaining Mild Playoff spots. Can they keep pace with the surging Mild High teams like the Pies and Mechanics (another expansion team in the hunt!)?
After covering the league, the group looks at strategy — spend coins on Ballpark Renovations, or save them for the Blessing raffle? What are teams in rebuilding mode doing to get back to the Playoffs? How much influence can coordination really exert, as the game grows and fans act as their own accordance?
Finally we arrive at the weekly hubris segment, where all involved pitch their prognostications for the Internet Series finals. Hubris is launched into the immateria like a player caught in a Salmon Cannon, but will any prediction return from Elsewhere to turn out correct? Check out the latest episode to find out!