BNN’s Midseason Power Ranking Review: Magic Goo

The Yellowstone Magic had one question:

BNN is here with the second Midseason Power Ranking Review, with anchor Dan, host Luckey Haskins, and guests iliana of SIBR and Draywo, BNN contributor & a captain for the expansion Ohio Worms.
Our panelists dig into the hot first half for the Magic (which Dan totally called), the sustainability of the Lovers’ and Moist Talkers success, and marvel at the delightful randomness that is a Blaseball team’s schedule. They deconstruct the struggles of the reigning champs in Baltimore, also wondering what’s behind the underperformance of other teams with high hopes like Chicago and New York.
On the Wild side, the group marvels at the star power on the mound in both the High and Low divisions. They dig into the pitching stlats and the powerful mystery of “defense” that seems to be key in the Expansion Era. With Draywo on the show, everyone takes stock of the strong starts from the Lift and the Worms, two teams that spent last season in power dives towards Party Time.
Finally, they break a few hubris meters by makings predictions of Internet Series finals matchups. Find out who buried the hubris needle by watching this episode of BNN Midseason Power Ranking Review!