The Mafia Minute – Week Four – The Finale

The Final Countdown
Levil Teams Claim Victory!
Shock and Claw
The Baltimore Crabs were the next victim of the Levil Teams. The Crabs had successfully utilized their Electric Blood to zap away the Votes of Levil Teams several days in a row. With the numbers of Teams dwindling they had become a thorn in the side of Levil that could no longer be ignored, so it was time for the Crabs to Ascend. Or just Incinerated. Crabs Glood? Crabs Levil? Crabs Dead.
Eye Spy a Sus Team
As desperation kicked in the League became deeply Divided. The Chicago Firefighters and Yellowstone Magic proposed the Houston Spies as Levil, whilst the Moist Talkers and Spies argued they should Revoke the Seattle Garages. Rampant Speculation took place over the Day, would the Baltimore Crabs have been able to zap away a Vote before they were Incinerated? As Sun (X) sank below the Horizon the question was answered. The Houston Spies had 3 Votes, and the Seattle Garages had 2. Naturally, the Breckenridge Jazz Hands had lodged their single Vote for the Canada Moist Talkers. When the Votes were Counted, the result was a Tie between the Spies and Garages. The Garages superior Divine Favor saved the Day for a second time, and the Spies were Revoked revealing a… Glood Team!?
The Magic Goes Away
In Weather a miracle has occurred! The unending streak of Solar Eclipses has been bro- oh. Sorry. The Weather Radar had Tuned into some other Season. The Yellowstone Magic were the final Team to be Incinerated during the Night. Despite their name implying otherwise the Magic had no special Role, much to the chagrin of their Champions. In the end they weren’t Incinerated for potentially holding a Role, nor even for being a leadership figure to the Glood Teams. They were Incinerated because they were a Normal Team doing Glood Things, and since the last Levil Team needed the Moist Talkers and Jazz Hands to be alive they were left to choose between the Chicago Firefighters and the Yellowstone Magic. Ultimately they chose to rob the League of its Magic.
The Sun (X) rose and the Final Day began. The Breckenridge Jazz Hands stood up, and openly called out to the Seattle Garages to support them, to which the Garages responded with a powerful declaration of “Revoke Canada Moist Talkers”. The Moist Talkers and Chicago Firefighters fired back and Voted to Revoke the Seattle Garages, tying things up. With no further action to take until the Day ended, the Teams chose to spend the rest of it having fun and reminiscing over the past several weeks of Mafia. In the end the Game came down to Fate, and was decided by Divine Favor. The Canada Moist Talkers had an extremely Glood Divine Favor of 5, but the Seattle Garages had a Divine Favor of 3, meaning the Vote ended with the Moist Talkers Revoked. Now Revealed as Baristas the Jazz Hands [REDACTED] the Observed Moist Talkers and escaped into the Secret Base securing their Win.
Chained Together
The Seattle Garages and the Chicago Firefighters were the last two teams left, so, Game Over. Well, not quite. The Seattle Garages were still too close to the Firefighters when they were Incinerated. So for the first time the Instability Chained…right back to the Garages, who were promptly Incinerated by a Rogue Ump, and their Debt Collected. Now left alone in the League the Hellmouth Sunbeams exited Party Time and made a clean sweep of the Season 200X Internet Series. Don’t worry, there’s no need to fear about the Fate of Internet League Blaseball. The ever helpful Monitor has granted Teams permission to play in the Trench, marking the end of Mafia, and the Creation of the first ever Season of Trench League Blaseball.
Congratulations to the Seattle Garages, Ohio Worms, Core Mechanics, Tokyo Lift, San Francisco Lovers, and the Atlantis Georgias for Winning Mafia together as the Levil Teams!
Congratulations to the Hellmouth Sunbeams and the Breckenridge Jazz Hands for also Winning Mafia but as Neultral Teams!
Congratulations to all of the Glood Teams for trying your best and giving us a fantastic Show!
Congratulations to the Mafia Commissioner Spiderface, to all of the Keepers, and of course, to you, the Fans.
None of Blaseball Mafia would have been possible nor as enjoyable as it was without the combined effort of everyone.
Thank You.
Internet League #Mafia is Elsewhere…
Wake Up! Play Ball!

The Mafia Minute was brought to you by “The Minuteman” Kidror (@Kidror19 on Twitter) as part of the Blaseball Mafia Minute (BMM) Series.
You can find the first part of the series here: