Observations of Season 15: [REDACTED]

observing eye
Author: Inferno390
With Season 15 underway, a double whammy of unfolding events has gripped the fanbase and the league in a rapid series of developments over the Earl- and Midseason. The first, of course, is the tragic bombardment of Chorby Soul of the Garages by hordes of ravenous Consumers, nicknamed “sharks” by fans for their chomping abilities and appearing “below C level.”
This development, while ongoing, has been relatively easy to track, as the Blasebot provides an update each time a munching occurs and the fans are keeping a tally of the number. The much more subtle and seemingly dangerous development, however, is that of the returning Observed Modifier, which has become an issue largely thanks to the fanbase resurrecting the previously mentioned Chorby Soul and Baltimore Crabs’ York Silk. Debted players are still beaning others, of course, but the effects have changed since the last time we saw a resurrected player. Instead of increasing their chances of Incineration, the beaned players (which the fans are now dubbing “coffee beans”) are gaining the Observed modifier, which can turn into the Redacted modifier when the player is exposed to Coffee weather types.
However, the Observed modifier goes away after a week (every ninth game), and when players are Redacted, they vanish without a trace. This has made the events surrounding the Coffee Beans unusually hard to keep track of for unaware players. But as we go into the Postseason, it is important for every fan to catch up on exactly what has occurred with this league-shaping development.
So what do we know about the Coffee Beanings?
- Players struck by a debted player’s bean receive the Observed Modifier.
- Any Coffee Weather can result in, but does not guarantee, a player being Redacted.
- Every 9 days in the League, all Observed Modifiers are removed.
- Redacted players can become Unredacted by leaving through one of the Secret Bases installed in the Lateseason. They then gain new Modifiers and effects, as will be explained below.
Coffee Bean Timeline, Through Main Season:
Before the season began, the following events had occurred:
Brisket Friendo of the Mints and Tad Seeth of the Thieves both became Redacted.
Liquid Friend of the Lovers and Uncle Plasma of the Millenials were hired by the League to investigate.
The Thieves’ and Mints’ stadiums both became Crime Scenes.
S15, D2 – Wyatt Glover of the Yellowstone Magic becomes Observed after catching a ball from York Silk of the Crabs, the first player to receive a modifier from a debted batter.
S15, D3 – Glover plays in Coffee 2 Weather at home against the Crabs and subsequently disappears. Fans quickly discover his Redaction.
S15, D3 – Gallup Crueller and Kline Greenleomon of the Dallas Steaks both become Observed from Soul.
S15, D5 – Friend senses something fishy while playing the Garages. Fans note this occurs in the Salmon Weather, but also that Chorby Soul of the Garages is the other debted player in the League at this time.
S15, D5 – Brock Forbes of the Magic becomes Observed by York Silk.
S15, D8 – Tai Beanbag of the Mexico City Wild Wings becomes Observed by York Silk.
S15, D9 – Week 1 ends. Crueller, Greenlemon, Beanbag, and Forbes all are no longer Observed.
S15, D10 – Plasma senses something fishy while playing the Garages. This event does not happen during Salmon Weather, leading to the conclusion that Soul is the link between the two events.
S15, D11 – Sand-e T–ner and Ren Hunter of the New York Millennials both become Observed from Soul.
S15, D11 – Lang Richardson of the Pies becomes observed by York.
S15, D13 – Peanut Holloway of the Millennials becomes Observed from Silk.
S15, D15 – The Millenials play the Crabs in Coffee Weather. After the game, Hunter and Holloway both become Redacted. T–ner remains. Plasma and Friend both “feel like they missed something,” even though Friend was not in the Stadium where this occurs.
S15, D18 – Week 2 ends; T–ner and Richardson both are no longer Observed.
S15, D19 – Friend becomes observed by York.
S15, D21 – The Lovers play in Coffee 2. Friend becomes Redacted post-game.
S15, D22 – Elizabeth Guerra of the Kansas City Breath Mints becomes Observed by Silk.
S15, D23 – Rodriguez Internet of the Mints becomes Observed by Silk.
S15, D24 – Wyatt Mason X of the Garages echoes Soul; they and Moses Morgan of the Flowers, Sixpack Dogwalker of the Steaks, and NaN of the San Francisco Lovers now have Returned and Debt Modifications.
S15, D25 – Jordan Hilderbert of the Charleston Shoe Thieves becomes Observed by Dogwalker.
S15, D25 – Ziwa Mueller of the Thieves becomes Observed by NaN.
S15, D25 – Christian Combs of the Hawai’i Fridays becomes Observed by Mason X.
S15, D27 – Baldwin Breadwinner of the Fridays becomes Observed by Soul.
S15, D27 – J—- Col-i— of the Fridays becomes Observed by Soul.
S15, D27 – Sutton Dreamy of the Fridays becomes Observed by Mason X.
S15, D27 – Week 3 ends; T–ner, Richardson, Guerra, Internet, HIlderbert, Mueller, Combs, Breadwinner, Col-i—, and Dreamy all are no longer Observed.
S15, D28 – Wanda Schenn of the Chicago Firefighters becomes Observed by Mason X.
S15, D29 – Andrew Solis of the Millennials becomes Observed by Mason X.
S15, D30 – Chorby Short of the Magic becomes Observed by Silk.
S15, D30 – Winnie Mccall of the Millenials becomes Observed by Mason X.
S15, D30 – The Millenials play in Coffee. Neither Solis nor Mcall become Redacted post-game.
S15, D31 – Forrest Best of the Crabs becomes Observed by NaN.
S15, D31 – Uncle Plasma investigates at the Shoe Thieves’ Stadium. Returns Empty-handed.
S15, D32 – Elizabeth Elliot of the Magic becomes Observed by Mason X.
S15, D32 – Uncle Plasma investigates at the Shoe Thieves Stadium. Returns Empty-handed.
S15, D33 – The Magic play in Coffee 3. Chorby Short becomes Redacted post-game. Elliot does not become Redacted post-game.
S15, D33 – Uncle Plasma investigates at the Shoe Thieves’ Stadium. Returns with evidence of coffee.
S15, D33 – NaN becomes Echoed off of Mason X. Echoes Soul, retaining Debted.
S15, D34 – Lachlan Shelton of the Canada Moist Talkers becomes Observed by Silk.
S15, D35 – Mullen Peterson of the Millennials becomes Observed by Soul.
S15, D35 – Bottles Suljak of the Core Mechanics becomes Observed by Dogwalker.
S15, D35 – Evelton McBlase II of the Mechanics becomes Observed by Dogwalker.
S15, D35 – The Crabs play in Coffee 2. Forrest becomes Redacted post-game.
S15, D36 – Week 4 ends; Schenn, Solis, Mccall, Elliot, Shelton, Peterson, Suljak, and McBlase II all are no longer Observed.
S15, D37 – Rat Batson of the Los Angeles Unlimited Tacos becomes Observed by Silk.
S15, D37 – Lotus Mango of the Garages becomes Observed by NaN.
S15, D40 – Moses Mason of the Boston Flowers becomes Observed by Dogwalker.
S15, D40 – Zesty Yaboi of the Flowers becomes Observed by Dogwalker.
S15, D41 – Igneus Delacruz of the Hellmouth Sunbeams becomes Observed by Mason X.
S15, D43 – Nagomi Mcdaniel of the Crabs becomes Observed by NaN.
S15, D43 – Allysa Harrell of the Crabs becomes Observed by NaN.
S15, D43 – York Silk of the Crabs becomes Observed by NaN.
S15, D43 – Bonk Jones of the Magic becomes Observed by Soul.
S15, D45 – Beans Mcblase of the Talkers Becomes Observed by Dogwalker.
S15, D45 – Week 5 ends; Batson, Mango, Moses Mason, Yaboi, Delacruz, Mcdaniel, Harrell, Silk, Jones, and Mcblase all are no longer Observed.
S15, D49 – NaN Echoes Flynn Doyle of the Millenials; NaN, Moses Mason, and Dogwalker all lose Debted.
S15, D51 – Mcdaniel becomes Observed by Soul, becomes the first player to be Observed twice.
S15, D52 – Plasma enters the Crime scene at The Meadow to investigate. Returns, but does not share the information found.
S15, D54 – Lou Roseheart of the Firefighters becomes Observed by Silk.
S15, D54 – Week 6 ends; Mcdaniel and Roseheart both are no longer Observed.
S15, D59 – Herring Winfield and Richardson Games of the Thieves become Observed by Soul.
S15, D63 – Week 7 ends; Winfield and Games both are no longer Observed.
S15, D67 – Bevan Wise of the Magic becomes Observed by Soul.
S15, D69 – Alx Keming of the Thieves becomes Observed by Silk.
S15, D70 – Mason X echoes Oliver Loofah of the Thieves; loses Debted.
S15, D71 – Thieves play in Coffee 3; Keming is redacted after the game.
S15, D72 – Week 8 Ends; Bevan is no longer Observed.
S15, D74 – Kurt Crueller, Jones, Tiana Wheeler, and Bevan of the Magic become Observed by Soul. Crueller, Jones, and Bevan are the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th players to be Observed twice.
S15, D78 – Spears Taylor of the Fridays becomes Observed by York.
S15, D78 – Crueller enters the Secret Base. Becomes briefly Redacted, then becomes Unredacted, gains the Attractor Modifier, has stars boosted, and loses their Soul. Is briefly seen in the Thieves vs. Mints game.
S15, D78 – Uncle Plasma says, “Someone’s keeping Secrets… but who?”
S15, D81 – Forbes becomes Observed by Silk. Is the 5th player to be Observed twice.
S15, D81 – Week 9 ends; Jones, Wheeler, Bevan, Taylor, and Forbes all are no longer Observed.
S15, D83 Beck Whitney of the Fridays becomes Observed by Silk.
S15, D88 – Herring Winfield of the Thieves becomes Observed by Silk.
S15, D90 – Week 10 ends; Whitney and Winfield both are no longer Observed.
S15, D91 – Gia Holbrook of the Mechanics becomes Observed by Soul
S15, D94 – Tad Seeth becomes Unredacted, gains the Attractor Modifier, has stars boosted, and loses their Soul. Briefly exits the Secret Base in the Spies vs. Tigers game. Does not return to any team’s Roster.
S15, D99 – Bastillo Fig of the Tacos becomes Observed by Soul.
S15, D99 – Week 11 ends; Gia and Fig are both no longer Observed.
S15, D100 – Postseason begins.
List of Observed Players, in order:
Wyatt Glover of the Magic
Gallup Crueller of the Steaks
Kline Greenleomon of the Steaks
Brock Forbes of the Magic
Tai Beanbag of the Wild Wings
Sand-e T–ner of the Millenials
Ren Hunter of the Millenials
Lang Richardson of the Pies
Peanut Holloway of the Millenials
Liquid Friend of the Lovers
Elizabeth Guerra of the Mints
Rodriguez Internet of the Mints
Jordan Hilderbert of the Thieves
Ziwa Mueller of the Thieves
Christian Combs of the Fridays
Baldwin Breadwinner of the Fridays
J—- Col-i— of the Fridays
Sutton Dreamy of the Fridays
Wanda Schenn of the Firefighters
Andrew Solis of the Millenials
Chorby Short of the Magic
Winnie Mccall of the Millenials
Forest Best of the Crabs
Elizabeth Elliot of the Magic
Lachlan Shelton of the Talkers
Mullen Peterson of the Millenials
Bottles Suljak of the Mechanics
Evelton McBlase II of the Mechanics
Rat Batson of the Tacos
Lotus Mango of the Garages
Moses Mason of the Flowers
Zesty Yaboi of the Flowers
Igneus Delacruz of the Sunbeams
Nagomi Mcdaniel of the Crabs
Allysa Harrell of the Crabs
York Silk of the Crabs
Bonk Jones of the Magic
Beans Mcblase of the Talkers
Lou Roseheart of the Firefighters
Herring Winfield of the Thieves
Richardson Games of the Thieves
Bevan Wise of the Magic
Alx Keming of the Thieves
Kurt Crueller of the Magic
Tiana Wheeler of the Magic
Spears Taylor of the Fridays
Beck Whitney of the Fridays
Herring Winfield of the Thieves
Gia Holbrook of the Mechanics
Bastillo Fig of the Tacos
Total: 50
List of Redacted Players, in order:
Brisket Friendo of the Mints*
Tad Seeth of the Thieves*
Wyatt Glover of the Magic
Ren Hunter of the Millenials
Peanut Holloway of the Millenials
Liquid Friend of the Lovers
Chorby Short of the Magic
Forrest Best of the Crabs
Alx Keming of the Thieves
Total: 9
*these players were Redacted before the Season began and as such are not listed in the timeline, nor were ever Observed.
Note: This list does not include Kurt Crueller, who was not Redacted for a long enough period of time to be notable.
Things to Note
- Less than ⅕ of all Observed players have been Redacted. This means that it is unlikely that any particular Observed player will be Redacted.
- A total of 5 players have been Observed more than once, or 1/10 of the total number of Observed players. No player has been Observed more than twice.
- A player that returns from Redaction via the Secret Base will most likely not return to the team they were playing on, due to the new Attractor Modification, which states that whenever they appear in a game, if a player scores a Run, they become part of the lineup for that team.
- Since the main cause of Redaction is through getting beaned and Observed, it is unlikely that we will continue to see Redactions into the next season, given that both Corby and Silk will no longer be Debted at the end of the season.
- Given Plasma’s discoveries at the Choux, there was some speculation that Redacted players were being Percolated, an effect from the Coffee Cup that killed players with no hope of return. With the revelation of the Secret Bases, however, it is now known that this is not the case. What exactly is occurring, however, has yet to be discovered.
With the Postseason now on us and the Garages summarily eliminated from it, the only Debted player still playing is York Silk of the Crabs, so that is the only way to see Observed players for the rest of the season barring very unusual shenanigans (in other words, normal Blaseball). After that, Redaction may only trigger off of Debt, and with it being a Seasonal Modifier, it would require another round of Necromancy to occur for that to happen.
But for now, we wait for our lost players to return from whatever Secret Base they currently find themselves locked in.
…and then shortly after this it turned out that, in fact, Consumers eating one’s soul to 0 also causes them to be Redacted. Both Alyssa Harrell (Harrell Check :c ) and Nagomi Mcdaniel of the Crabs were promptly subject to this within the span of two games, leaving the Crabs very sad (and a lot of people cheering because apparently the ‘hate on crabs’ mentality will never leave the ILB, sadly enough).
It seems that, whether we committed necromancy or not, Redaction was inevitable.